Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Remembering 9/11

It's an old cliche, but sometimes it is true that a picture is worth a thousand words. I thought about how best to take time out of my crazy life to remember 9/11 in a fitting way, and I decided to show rather than tell this time around. The photo below was taken by me from the top of the Empire State Building in July 2001 with a film camera, approximately two months before the attack.You can tell from the photo how hot and muggy it was that day since there's a misty quality to it.

Whenever I look at this photo, my heart twists. It reminds me of so many things - the devastating losses, how much I love New York City, how lucky I am to know such great people from there, where I was when 9/11 occurred. I was starting my freshman year at Binghamton University of New York and I remember the fear and panic of so many frantically trying to call their relatives and friends back home...we were just kids, but we grew up fast that year, garnering the dubious title of the "Class of 9/11."

This photo is precious to me because it says the thousand words on this day that cannot be said but can be felt. It reminds me that every day, life is precious, no matter where you live. Even if its a crappy day, its still a day you are here, with countless opportunities to live and love.

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